square toilet seat replacement

Bathroom design has come a long way as it is in the past decade. It happens due to the latest technological and aesthetic advances. Earlier the making of the bathroom remains a standard affair! But today, square toilet seats come with dynamic and bold, multi-functional features. They are filled with elaborate colours and inclusion of sophisticated accessories. Are you planning to refurbish your current bathrooms or at the design stage of a new build? You might be considering adding some comfortable items & new toilet seats to it. However, you might notice square toilets among all these contemporary amenities. Adding a square toilet seat can be a way to add some comfort to your bathroom. 


It is durable

Sometimes the question may arise in your mind: how long do your square toilet seats last? You can expect your squire toilet seat to last 3-5 years. People often like the square toilet seat as it is more comfortable than traditional shapes. It usually delivers more support underneath the thighs when seated! New square toilet seats are a bit larger than conventional options. It is not only durable but gives the user the same level of comfort over long periods. 

Neat & Clean lines & elegant finishing

The square toilet has a powerful contemporary appearance right off the bat. Sharp, simple lines that catch the eye in a very original way to transform the unremarkable bathroom into a stylish, highly functional area. A square toilet is a good option for any restroom setting. It provides a warm ambience for clients and guests or helps with staff retention and overall user experience. 

Eye-catching shape

Although square toilet seats aren't for everyone, still they offer a startlingly bold appearance. It can fit in with many modern settings while providing support and comfort. Many back-to-wall, wall-hung toilets are square. As they are installed similarly to a floating shelf, the area beneath the toilet is left uncluttered. As a result, the room appears more prominent and is easier to clean. The square toilet seat replacement gives bathrooms a robust and authoritative appearance, and it is common in the hospitality industry, malls, event spaces, and visitor centres. 

Greater comfort

Of course, one of the first concerns that most people have is whether or not a square toilet seat replacement is genuinely comfy. The square toilet seat is frequently seen as more comfortable than conventional shapes, even though most of us are accustomed to circular versions. This is because a brand-new square toilet seat often provides greater thigh support. Your experience will be exactly like sitting in a chair. 

If you'd like further advice regarding square toilets or take advantage of our premium brand square toilet seat, please contact one of our team members on 01482 231273. We will offer the same-day supply option so that your new toilet seats will soon reach your home or business place.